In the Easter holidays we went to Neustadt, to work on the boat and to sail our first small trip into the Trave river. At Thursday, we went to the marina shop and to the hardware store, because we had to bug some more things. At Friday, Mum and me
dyed the Easter eggs and the boys marked and measured the anchor chain. Saturday was the day when started our first trip to a beautiful anchorage in the Trave river. Before that, we had to fill the tanks and had to bug some last things. It was a nice little sailing passage, but I stayed inside. The decksaloon enabled me to look out though.
We kept our sails up in the river and passed the “Passat“, which is an old big sailboat. That was cool! we took down the sails after a while and we used the engine to get deeper into the river, which was also fun! ;-)
When we arrived, four more boats were already there, but we were able to drop the anchor in front of them due to our little draft. We rowed to the shore with the dinghy and walked a bit there before Mum and me baked the Easter lamb, because the next day was Easter Sunday. The boys (Simon, David and Papa) made some music and we had a nice evening before going to bed after a long day.
The Video is, as always, on our YouTube channel or directly linked underneath.
